faces of both&
- Social: @andalussian.dog
- Pronouns: They/them
- Fit: Binding
- Height: 5'9"
- Shirt Size: S
- Pants Size: 32x28
- Shoulder: 16"
- Chest: 33"
- Low Hip: 36"
Alpha was born and raised in Cordoba, Spain. They attribute who they are today to their grandmother, who never cared who they loved, or how they looked, instead being a role model in how to be kind and generous to others. In Alpha’s spare time they love to cook and play any sport involving a ball. A year ago, they found a bag by a door with the note “free binder size S inside for whoever needs it.” They took it home, tried it on, under their favorite shirt, and felt so happy. They say that a part of them was still in denial, worrying they weren’t ‘trans enough’ but that moments like these, when putting on clothes that feel right and give them the confidence to walk out the door and not worrying about how people perceive them makes all the difference.
“Don’t get lost in finding the right label for you. Just keep doing and keep being the self that feels right, that makes you happy, the one you are proud of and see yourself in the future being like.”
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